Tuesday, 16 June 2015

The Reasons for My Disappearance

I'll be honest, a lot has happened. 

Last time I made a blog post my new novel had just been sent my proofreader and beta-readers. The feedback has been astoundingly positive and it's the most gratifying feeling I can imagine. I've had a lot to update on here but just haven't had time to do it. Here's why. 

As many of you know, I moved across the country recently to live with my long term partner. It's been a really amazing experience and definitely the best decision I've ever made. However, there's been a lot to sort out - a lot more than I anticipated. There were the usual things; council tax, change of address froms, registering for a GP and dentist, finding a new job, etc, etc. I got all of this done fairly quickly and with a great deal of success. I was ready to get on with my new life and really enjoy myself. Then I realised something: I had found a really terrible job for myself.

Admittedly, this wasn't the worst thing in the world - at least we had some money coming into the flat. But that's all we had really. Free time was pretty much non-existent and the horrible atmosphere of the workplace was getting me down and making me pretty grouchy. Not only that, but it left no time for writing - something that any other job I take has to take into account. I make money from writing, any job that doesn't respect that is losing me money. 

Luckily, I found a lovely independent cafe who needed a barista and I'm now in a much better place. I work with some really lovely people and my bosses are very supportive of my writing. Since I've started there I've managed to begin my catalogue of short stories and get ahead on some articles. I'm on People Per Hour now, so hopefully there'll be more freelance work coming my way soon. In short, I think I'm finally all moved in and life can continue as normal. 

I'll be posting more regularly now :)
