Hey all!
Last time I posted a blog on here was about a month ago and at the end of it I promised to be updating more regularly. The more astute of you reading that sentence will realise that was a promise I didn't manage to keep. There are many reasons for this - mostly the near-sadistic workload I force upon myself. This has been a month of writing short stories and entering them into competitions, drafts of the play, recording music for the play, searching for inspiration, writing articles, editing other people's articles, coming up with new ideas and a whole host of other things that have made this a very busy, but very fun, month of writing.
But also I've been away because I think this blog's served its purpose for now. I want a new format with new things to blog about in a new style. I don't feel like I can do that here - so this will be my last blog post.
But fear not! I've got a brand new site for everyone to come over to. A much better site that's had much more work put into it than this one. I hope you'll all join me on my new wordpress! For those of you who want to save the address it's https://samleevesauthor.wordpress.com/
This isn't the end of the adventure - far from it, this is a rejuvenation of it. I hope you'll all come and join me.
See you on the other side.