Monday, 26 May 2014

The Quest Continues

So, after gross amounts of overtime and intense writing sessions, I've finally pushed myself into the final third of 'Lay Me Restless'. It's an exciting prospect, but I'm reticent to put an end date on the draft. In my first and second books, this was the fastest part to write, yet, at the same time, I have a busy few weeks ahead of me so it's a little difficult to guess. Still, I feel very enthused.

My promotion has stepped up yet again also. I've managed to make a little noise on a few new book recommendation sites and I'm just being a little more organised about everything, which gives me more time to do everything and, more importantly, do it right. This has led to me, while not selling an awful number of copies on Amazon, sell my entire stockpile of copies locally. This is no small amount, adding up to thirty or so in the last two months. If all of those readers leave a review somewhere, that's a fairly significant amount of noise. I've also landed a book signing in an independent bookshop a few towns away which could prove lucrative. The exact details haven't been ironed out just yet, but they look to be next week! Updates to follow soon.

So, everything is going as well as expected. All that's left to do is to push ahead.


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