So after a few weeks rest I've come back to writing energised and refreshed, ready to complete various projects. The book should be done within the next couple of months, behind schedule, but it WILL get done!
I'm not really one to make New Year's Resolutions, but I do have a few goals to achieve this year.
1) Finish 'Lay Me Restless'
2) Publish 'Lay Me Restless'
3) Start book 4
4) Build up a bank of short stories to enter into competitions
5) Collect a bank of poetry to publish
6) Further things with the theatre company
Hopefully it should be a successful year and I've certainly got a lot planned for it! I've also made a pledge to take more time for myself, which means no more overtime in the evenings. I got a little run down at the end of last year, so this could be for the best. The quality of my writing's going to suffer if I'm too tired to do any. That seems obvious and yet it took me a surprisingly long time to realise...
I just want to take this opportunity to thank everyone who's been a part of this writing journey with me so far. You all do so much, even if it's just reading tweets and blog posts like these. It's greatly appreciated :)
Here's hoping for greater things to come in 2015!
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