Wednesday, 27 August 2014


So, what's new?

Well, as you might recall, last week I was commissioned to write a play. The good news is, I've already finished the first act. I've still got a way to go with it, but an act in three days isn't bad going at all. For some reason script writing has always been a quick process for me. Maybe it's because it's mainly dialogue and the emotion of dialogue is, usually, a purely logical thing. Maybe it just suits my writing style well. It might just be that since secondary school I've had to write an awful lot of scripts (I was a drama student and carried that on at college), so I'm just used to doing it. Whatever the reason, it's a good thing because I should hit my deadline with time to spare. Hopefully the producers will like it... 

Progress on the novel has continued well too. I'm very near the end of the first draft now, with this final plot point proving to be even more engrossing than I'd planned. I'm very excited! I can't wait to read it back while editing before sending it to the beta readers. I really think this is my best work. 

Last weekend was the opening of Daisy White's Booktique at which both of my books were being sold. There was a lot of interest and I actually sold quite a few on the first day alone. People especially seem interested in 'In the Footsteps of the Behemotn'. It's very gratifying; a hell of a lot of work went into both of my books, so to see them generate so much excitement is fantastic. 

So, all in all, a very successful week. Let's hope it continues :)

Thursday, 21 August 2014

The Week Things Got Interesting

Okay, I know I've already done a blog post this week but events have transpired in a rather interesting way since then. I would love to tell you that I've finished 'Lay Me Restless', but that would be a lie. I am, however closer than ever. I do think you'll be pleasantly surprised with this new development though.

It all started on Tuesday. I was at my other job, making milk hot and pouring it on top of espresso, making rude customers a product they couldn't possibly create for themselves, when my old friend Jack Lane enters in his typically theatrical style. He's with his director friend Sheryl who I'd met briefly before and we all say our hellos. I innocently think that they've just popped in for a cup of tea. They then ask me to write a script for them.

Obviously I said yes; it's too big an opportunity to pass up and I get to work with some fantastically talented and motivated people. Also, if it all goes to plan, I could make a tidy sum of money out of the venture.

I won't say too much about the project just yet, because we're still working out some of the finer detail, but I've already made a start on the script. Is it a lot of work? Considering I'm finishing 'Lay Me Restless', recording music, writing for Alt:Mag, promoting my other books and working in the cafe, then yes it is. But it's worth it. I write because I enjoy writing and it's another way to help further my career. In short, I'm very excited.

I'll tell you all more when I know more!

Exit, pursued by a bear!

Tuesday, 19 August 2014

Busy busy busy

My cover shifts are almost over! I have one more today and then tomorrow it's back to writing. Unfortunately, due to the book signing next month, part of this week is going to have to be sacrificed to admin, pushing the first draft back a little further. Still, it's definitely worth it. Me surrounded by books in an old Tudor house; what could be better?

This weekend something exciting happens at my other job too! On Saturday Daisy White is opening her Booktique where customers will be able to buy my books! She's very business savvy, far more than me (my mind's a little too far over on the creative side to be a great business person) so this could be a great step for my career.

And the Fawcett Society have sent some members my way for the local group! It's early days yet, but progress.

Oh, and I'm recording loads of music at the moment.

As usual, busy busy busy, but I wouldn't have it any other way.


P.S The new season of The Walking Dead is finally on Freeview! Hold me!

Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Just a Few More Hurdles

Sorry for the slight amount of radio silence on the blog over the past couple of weeks, but it is for a good reason. Rather than deciding to post just to say "The book's almost done! The book's almost done!" I thought I might as well just get on with it. 

Life, however, had other ideas. 

As any author will tell you, as conducive to inspiration as life can often be, it also has an annoying habit of getting in the way of a writer's schedule. Such a thing has happened to me. Yet, ask me exactly what these things are and I'm not sure I could say. Not because they're very embarrassing secrets (although some of them could be, possibly? If I could remember?), but because they were all just stuff and things. Everyday things like going to work and living my life. It's difficult to pin down just what the hold up was, but there was one. And, unfortunately, due to the fact that life tends to swoop in to steal me from writing, this looks set to continue. So, a slight delay on 'Lay Me Restless', but I'm still closer than ever. 

In other news, Battle of the Bands went fantastically well. No, I didn't win, nor did I expect to. However the audience reaction was fantastically positive and I had a great time performing, as usual. 

There's still time to win free signed copies of 'Endless Tides' and 'In the Footsteps of the Behemoth'! Find the details on my Facebook page:

I'll post again soon. Hopefully with some exciting progress!


Friday, 1 August 2014

Almost There!

I turned on the news this morning and everything was about the Commonwealth Games. Nice to know that world peace broke out overnight.

In other actual news, I'm very near the end of the first draft of 'Lay Me Restless'! I've finally moved into the final subplot of the book and I hope to have the first draft finished this month. It's a very exciting time! It's been really fun process, probably even more so than the first two. Personally, I think this is my best work and I can't wait for the beta readers to have a look at it.

All of the organisation for my book signing is moving along. In case anyone missed any of the details, it's on the 20th September at East Grinstead Bookshop, starting at 11am and closing up around 4pm. Come on by! It's promising to be a fun, book-filled day.

There's also a chance to win free signed copies of both of my books! All you need to do is like my Facebook page, then like and share the top post. Here's a link to make it easier for you:

Good luck and get clicking!
